org.apache.maven.plugins maven-dependency-plugin 2.6 ${project.groupId} ${project.version} jar true directoryInsideJar/**/*.* src/main/resources maven-clean-plugin 2.5 src/main/resources/directoryInsideJar/
Thursday, December 13, 2012
maven: HOW external resource extract from artefactory.jar
I want to extract some resource form artefactory to used in other proyect, we need 2 plugins maven-dependency-plugin to extract and maven-clean-plugin to clean proyect. call first plugin execute the goal dependency:unpack.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Repository rejected artifact "due to its snapshot/release handling policy."
I'm a newbie in proxy maven server management. I have a problem with download own artefactory from my maven server. To solver this problem put this in your pom.xml
ubuntu-releases ubuntu-releases http://serverMaven:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local interval:1 ubuntu-snapshots ubuntu-snapshots http://serverMaven:8080/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local false true interval:1
GWT proyect in eclipse and maven
To create a GWT proyect in eclipse or another IDE use console the Archetype execute this command
Use it as you would any other Maven archetype to create a template/stub project.
launch this command y your console cmd> or terminal>
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin \
The generated project can then be imported as "existing project" into Eclipse, and run command-line maven to launch GWT 'mvn gwt:run' with plugin M2E. [1]
But M2E has a problem:
M2E problem : Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration solver. Ref in [2]
put this in your pom.
[1] [2] lifecycle-mapping 1.0.0 org.codehaus.mojo gwt-maven-plugin [2.4.0,) resources compile i18n generateAsync org.apache.maven.plugins maven-war-plugin [2.1.1,) exploded
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Cassandra keys in Unix/linux server and client in java windows
In this
link talk about to count in rows in cassandra. But there a little problem when Unix database and client java Windows. The serialize UUID dont work.
byte[] start = null; byte[] lastEnd = null; int count = 0; while (true) { RangeSlicesQuerychange the UUID identify. Put byte[]rsq = HFactory .createRangeSlicesQuery(keyspaceOperator, me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.BytesArraySerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get()); rsq.setColumnFamily("columnFamily"); rsq.setColumnNames("uuid","idUser","timestamp","urlPageVisited","processed"); rsq.setKeys(start, null); rsq.setReturnKeysOnly(); // Return column names instead of values rsq.setRowCount(3); // Arbitrary default OrderedRows rows = rsq.execute().get(); int rowCount = rows.getCount(); if (rowCount == 0) { break; } else { start = rows.peekLast().getKey(); if (lastEnd != null && Arrays.equals(start,lastEnd) ) { // modify this line break; } count += rowCount - 1; lastEnd = start; } if (count > 0) { count += 1; } System.out.print("count de la tabla " + count); return count; }
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Kundera not implement getCriteriaBuilder
I have cassandra intalled a computer.... I try create a template to make dinamics query with JPA. This is implemente.
public <E extends Object> List<E> getAll(E e){But when I executed this progran throw a exception
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<E> q = cb.createQuery((Class<E>) e);
Root<E> c = q.from((Class<E>) e);
return (List<E>);
NotImplementedException: TODO
at com.impetus.kundera.persistence.EntityManagerFactoryImpl.getCriteriaBuilder(
at com.impetus.kundera.persistence.EntityManagerImpl.getCriteriaBuilder(
Friday, October 19, 2012
cant find parent project
I have a maven project with module and parent proyect. If you launch a test module with command mvn test this work, but you add a variable inside module that reference to parent proyect. ${project.version} and now launch mvn test, this fail. You must install project parent in your local repository to launch module.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
start reasoner in virtuoso
load Model from virtuoso
VirtGraph set = new VirtGraph(GraphIri, "jdbc:virtuoso://" + uriServer + ":"
+ portJDBC + "", db_user, db_pass);
System.out.println("Start inference!");
Reasoner reasoner = PelletReasonerFactory.theInstance().create();
reasoner = reasoner.bindSchema(set);
InfModel infModel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, modelVirtuoso);
System.out.println("Stop inference!");
Model m2 = vd.getNamedModel(GraphIri);
save inference in virtuoso
System.out.print("instancias "+m2.size());
if(m2.containsAll(infModel)){ System.out.print("no hay inferencia ");
}else{ System.out.print("hay inferencia "); }
if(m2.containsAny(infModel)){ System.out.print("es correcto ");
}else{ System.out.print("es incorrecto "); }
Model inferido = infModel.difference(m2);
Monday, October 15, 2012
install virtuoso in windows
Download database virtuoso in
unzip in virtuoso-opensource and add in variable path virtuoso-opensource\lib
copy database/virtuoso.ini as demo.ini in virtuoso-opensource
remove in file demo.ini all character ../
open cmd admin mode
unable to open sthe service control manager
execute in virtuoso-opensource ./bin/virtuoso-t.exe -c demo -I Demo -S create
the service has been register
start service openlink virtuoso server [Demo]
open http://localhost:8890/
load OWL file model in virtuoso
If you try save a model from OWL file in Virtuoso with class
VirtuosoUpdateFactory or VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory this fail.
To load in virtuoso used VirtDataSource
VirtDataSource vd = new VirtDataSource("jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111", "dba", "dba");
ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker();
Model m = maker.createModel(BASE, false);
//load owl file in model M
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("file.owl").getFile()); ,null);
//TODO: if exist BASE in virtuoso FAIL
//to erase datas conductor SQL> RDF_GLOBAL_RESET ();
Model m2 =vd.getNamedModel(BASE);
if(m2 == null)
vd.addNamedModel(BASE, m);
VirtuosoUpdateFactory or VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory this fail.
To load in virtuoso used VirtDataSource
VirtDataSource vd = new VirtDataSource("jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111", "dba", "dba");
ModelMaker maker = ModelFactory.createMemModelMaker();
Model m = maker.createModel(BASE, false);
//load owl file in model M
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("file.owl").getFile()); ,null);
//TODO: if exist BASE in virtuoso FAIL
//to erase datas conductor SQL> RDF_GLOBAL_RESET ();
Model m2 =vd.getNamedModel(BASE);
if(m2 == null)
vd.addNamedModel(BASE, m);
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Neo4j + Sesame + OwlApi + Pellet
To create inference in pellet and export this inferece to Neo4j with sail connector
function OpenSail
function import ontology
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
config.put("allow_store_upgrade", "true");
graph = new MyNeo4jGraph("data/graph.db", 100000, config);
sail = new GraphSail<Neo4jGraph>(graph);
// sail.
SailRepository repository = new SailRepository(sail);
connection = repository.getConnection();
"etiqueta", RDFFormat.RDFXML);
System.out.println("Import stopped ...");
function Sparql
TupleQuery durationquery = connection
"PREFIX : <> "
+ "PREFIX Prueba: <> "
+ "PREFIX owl: <> "
+ "PREFIX rdf: <> "
+ "PREFIX rdfs: <> "
+ "PREFIX xsd: <> "
+ "SELECT ?person " + "WHERE { " +
" Prueba:Jean Prueba:hasSibling ?person . "+
TupleQueryResult result = durationquery.evaluate();
while (result.hasNext()) {
BindingSet binding =;
Assert.assertEquals("Assert ", binding.getBinding("person").getValue().toString(),
//prepare ontology and reasoner
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
//OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(IRI.create(BASE_URL));
OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
System.out.println(" Load ontology" );
OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory = PelletReasonerFactory.getInstance();
System.out.println(" Load reasoner" );
OWLReasoner reasoner = reasonerFactory.createReasoner(ontology, new SimpleConfiguration());
OWLDataFactory factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
PrefixOWLOntologyFormat pm = manager.getOntologyFormat(ontology).asPrefixOWLOntologyFormat();
pm.setDefaultPrefix(BASE_URL + "#");
//get class and its individuals
OWLClass personClass = factory.getOWLClass(":Person", pm);
OWLObjectProperty hasSibling = factory.getOWLObjectProperty(":hasSibling", pm);
//export pellet inference to sesame sail neo4j
for (OWLNamedIndividual person : reasoner.getInstances(personClass, false).getFlattened()) {
System.out.println("person : " + renderer.render(person));
for (Node<OWLNamedIndividual> siblings : reasoner.getObjectPropertyValues(person, hasSibling)) {
for (OWLNamedIndividual sibling : siblings.getEntities()) {
System.out.println("Person has sibling: " + sibling.getIRI());
Map<OWLObjectPropertyExpression, Set<OWLIndividual>> assertedValues = person.getObjectPropertyValues(ontology);
for (OWLObjectProperty objProp : ontology.getObjectPropertiesInSignature(true)) {
for (OWLNamedIndividual ind : reasoner.getObjectPropertyValues(person, objProp).getFlattened()) {
if (assertedValues.get(objProp)==null ) {//inference
System.out.println("inferred object property for :"
+ renderer.render(objProp) + " -> " + renderer.render(ind));
ValueFactory mValueFactory = connection.getValueFactory();
org.openrdf.model.URI predicate = mValueFactory.createURI(hasSibling.getIRI().toURI().toString());
Resource subject = mValueFactory.createURI(person.getIRI().toURI().toString()); // mValueFactory.createURI(subj.getIRI().toURI().toString());
Resource resource = mValueFactory.createBNode();
Value object = null;
object = mValueFactory.createURI(ind.getIRI().toURI().toString());
try {
System.out.println("Triplet --"+subject+"--"+predicate+"--"+object+"--"+resource+"--");
connection.add(subject, predicate, object,resource);
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
boolean asserted = assertedValues.get(objProp).contains(ind);
System.out.println((asserted ? "asserted" : "inferred") + " object property for Martin: "
+ renderer.render(objProp) + " -> " + renderer.render(ind));
Monday, October 1, 2012
I have a next error with maven and eclipse
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test (default-test) on project database: Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:;Z)Z
Change version SE java to JDK or other version java. This fix the problem.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test (default-test) on project database: Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:;Z)Z
Change version SE java to JDK or other version java. This fix the problem.
Friday, September 21, 2012
NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/lucene/util/Version
I make a project with blueprint-neo4j-graph and pellet , but pellet use lucene-core 2.3.1 and blueprint-neo4j-graph use lucene-core 3.5.0
I have a new error in neo4j to load lucene version
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/lucene/util/Version
at org.neo4j.index.impl.lucene.LuceneDataSource.<clinit>(
at org.neo4j.index.lucene.LuceneIndexProvider.load(
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader.loadIndexImplementations(
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase$DefaultKernelExtensionLoader.init(
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.init(
... 39 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.lucene.util.Version
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 44 more
I have pellet dependence
With plugin m2e resolve depencence add this code in pom.xml project
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Install cassandra database
To install cassandra database distribution
Dont work in 32 bit architecture. java Heap space error
To see web service
Ubuntu 12, 64 bit
**** remove version of java openjdk and install java oracle
sudo apt-ger purge openjdk*
java 7
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
****openssl python
sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8
sudo apt-get install sysstat
sudo apt-get install python-cql
****Install cassandra, DataStax Community distribution of Cassandra.
sudo apt-get install dsc1.1
****install web service.
sudo apt-get install opscenter-free
***web service configure
sudo vi /etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf
***add in file
port =7199
***configure cassadra
sudo vi /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
***change IP and localhost for publiIP
***start cassandra
sudo service cassandra start
***node cassandra
nodetool ring -h publicIP
**start web
sudo service opscenterd start
*** check web service
wget http://publicIP:8888/
***to see log
*** to start client cassandra
cassandra-cli -h publicIP -p 9160
***to see log of cassandra
*** delete database cassandra if you want , stop service before
sudo bash -c '/var/lib/cassandra/data/system/*'
Dont work in 32 bit architecture. java Heap space error
To see web service
Ubuntu 12, 64 bit
**** remove version of java openjdk and install java oracle
sudo apt-ger purge openjdk*
java 7
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
****openssl python
sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8
sudo apt-get install sysstat
sudo apt-get install python-cql
****Install cassandra, DataStax Community distribution of Cassandra.
sudo apt-get install dsc1.1
****install web service.
sudo apt-get install opscenter-free
***web service configure
sudo vi /etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf
***add in file
port =7199
***configure cassadra
sudo vi /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
***change IP and localhost for publiIP
***start cassandra
sudo service cassandra start
***node cassandra
nodetool ring -h publicIP
**start web
sudo service opscenterd start
*** check web service
wget http://publicIP:8888/
***to see log
*** to start client cassandra
cassandra-cli -h publicIP -p 9160
***to see log of cassandra
*** delete database cassandra if you want , stop service before
sudo bash -c '/var/lib/cassandra/data/system/*'
Monday, July 23, 2012
Access denied to
I have an error,
Failure to transfer javax.servlet:servlet-api/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of jboss-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata javax.servlet:servlet-api/maven-metadata.xml from/to jboss-repo ( Access denied to Error code 403, Forbidden
I find this entry
The proyect maven org.bricked socialauth-spring have this entry in pom.xml
but I cant solver.
to solver this error
Make this in settings.xml we should add something like:
<name>Mirror of jboss-repo /</name>
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Eclipse+ Maven
Control de la configuración de los proyectos es una de las prácticas de CMMI. Y ¿Que significa esto? Pues saber que librerias usas en tu proyecto y como debes instalar estas librerias y configuara todo para compilarlo correctamente. ¿y como configuramos esto? Pues con un subversion + ant + eclipse , te bajas las librerias de los repositorios vas actualizado los script de ant. Pero ¿No hay algo mas fácil que andar actualizardo los script de ant y bajando la libreria adecuada del repositorio de java que sea? Pues sí, la solucion a esto es maven.
Instalamos maven. y después de meses intentando usarlo ... he decidido pasarme al plugin de maven para eclipse.
Tambien usa la configuración de maven, en maven hay un fichero de configuracion llamado settings.xml en el cual se debe configurar para pasar el proxy empresarial. Tambien debe añadir dos repositorios uno donde estan las libreiras y otro donde estan los plugin de maven.
que es esto de plugins de maven. Son un conjunto de extensiones de maven para hacer mas tareas.
Para intergrar maven en eclipse hay que instalar m2e se añade el pluging al eclipse J2EE en el siguiente URL
Una vez instalado simplemente tiene que crear un proyecto maven, en este proyecto configurar tus repositorios y propiedades globales del proyecto.
Creamos un modulo dependiente del proyecto.
Para depurar un proyecto maven debes elegir el ciclo de vida de un proyecto maven. los mas importantes son install (instala el artefacto en tu repositorio local ) deploy (despliega en un repositorio remoto definido) test (lanza los test que has definido en tu proyecto) clear (limpia todo )
Instalamos maven. y después de meses intentando usarlo ... he decidido pasarme al plugin de maven para eclipse.
Tambien usa la configuración de maven, en maven hay un fichero de configuracion llamado settings.xml en el cual se debe configurar para pasar el proxy empresarial. Tambien debe añadir dos repositorios uno donde estan las libreiras y otro donde estan los plugin de maven.
que es esto de plugins de maven. Son un conjunto de extensiones de maven para hacer mas tareas.
Para intergrar maven en eclipse hay que instalar m2e se añade el pluging al eclipse J2EE en el siguiente URL
Una vez instalado simplemente tiene que crear un proyecto maven, en este proyecto configurar tus repositorios y propiedades globales del proyecto.
Creamos un modulo dependiente del proyecto.
Para depurar un proyecto maven debes elegir el ciclo de vida de un proyecto maven. los mas importantes son install (instala el artefacto en tu repositorio local ) deploy (despliega en un repositorio remoto definido) test (lanza los test que has definido en tu proyecto) clear (limpia todo )
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Open ID simple-openid error
Hace tiempo quisimos probar OpenID. Si te bajas el codigo fuente de OpenID de y quieres ejecutar el ejemplo de simple-openid te dice que ejecutes este comando
mvn jetty:run en el directorio de
pero sale este maravilloso error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project simple-openid: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openid4java:simple-openid:war:0.9.6: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-JdbcServerAssociationStore:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer-SampleConsumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-SampleServer:jar:0.9.6: Failure to find org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project simple-openid: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openid4java:simple-openid:war:0.9.6: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-JdbcServerAssociationStore:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer-SampleConsumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-SampleServer:jar:0.9.6: Failure to find org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleDependencyResolver.getDependencies(
Caused by: org.apache.maven.project.DependencyResolutionException: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openid4java:simple-openid:war:0.9.6: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-JdbcServerAssociationStore:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer-SampleConsumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-SampleServer:jar:0.9.6: Failure
Caused by: org.sonatype.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-JdbcServerAssociationStore:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-consumer-SampleConsumer:jar:0.9.6, org.openid4java:openid4java-server-SampleServer:jar:0.9.6: Failure to find org.openid4java:openid4java:jar:0.9.6 in
Esto te dice que no encuentra las dependencias de los jar.
Según leo por los blog esto se resuelve diciendo en el fichero de pom.xml que no ataque a los jar sino a los pom.
Según pone en esta entrada
Pero me sigue diciendo que no encuentra las librerias.
Así que si las quieres instalar en tu repositorio local solo tiene que ejecutar en la carpeta maven2
mvn install
pero esto no te instalará las librerias ya que estan configurados como POM.
Así que en cada una de las carpetas maven2/ puedes cambiar los fichero pom.xml el <type>pom</type> por
menos de la principal
No cambies el fichero maven2/
Esto si que te instalará las librerias en tu repositorio local y podrás volver a ejecutar
mvn jetty:run en el directorio de
Friday, June 1, 2012
PHP wamp error to load dynamic library
I have an error when I try add extension in PHP with library in WAMP or XAMPP.
PHP warning PHP status: unable to load dynamic library
No se puede encontrar el módulo especificador
Put enviroment path in windows the path to library but this not works. You must reboot the PC to load the service Wamp the path.
All work fine.
the library are wsf.dll
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